This is a series of apps that were produced using codes given by ChatGPT 3.5 (the free version). You can do so with other GAI like Microsoft Copilot too. The apps are usable directly from here or can be downloaded and included into an SLS package.
The prompts given to ChatGPT are provided for your reference. However, you may still have to refine the prompts as the output may not always be consistent. While it is possible to generate a working app without any changes to the code, you can customise the app much faster if you know a bit of html or javascript. You may even ask ChatGPT to teach you how to do so!
Check out the step-by-step guide to produce and deploy your app. This html file generator helps you to save the code into a html file and test it out.
How to: Generate your own apps | Upload to SLS as Media Objects
The user gets to explore the changes in the shape of a displacement or velocity graph by changing the values of initial velocity and acceleration.
Test it out Download for SLSMeant for A-level Physics, students can observe how two waves moving in opposite directions can come together to produce a stationary wave.
A second page allows students to explore what happens when the conditions (wavelength, period, amplitude) of both waves are not identical.
Note: The plotly.js file must remain in the same folder as the html files if uploading as a zip file into SLS.
Test it out Download for SLSFor the index page:
For the second page:
Meant for A-level Physics, the variation of electric potential due to two charge particles can be observed.
Sliders allow user to change the magnitude and signs of the charges and the distance apart.
Note: The plotly.js file must remain in the same folder as the html files if uploading as a zip file into SLS.
Test it out Download for SLSThis animation is intended to show the rate of rotation of the Moon being equal to the rate of its revolution around the Earth.
The result is that half of the Moon is always not visible from Earth.
Test it out Download for SLSThis simulation is used for JC physics students to visualise the independence of horizontal and vertical components of velocity in a projectile launched vertically from a cart moving at constant velocity.
Test it out Download for SLSThis animation can be used to demonstrate the effect of changes in period on wavelength of a wave. It also highlights a particular particle to show the perpendicular motion to the direction of wave propagation.
Test it out Download for SLSCreate a simulation of particles moving vertically with simple harmonic motion. The simulation should display 25 particles arranged horizontally, each oscillating vertically at a different phase. The horizontal motion of the particles should simulate simple harmonic motion, with their positions following a sine wave pattern. The amplitude of oscillation should be set to 100 pixels, and the period of oscillation should be controlled by a slider input with a range from 0.1 to 5 seconds. The particles should be confined within a container with a fixed width of 640 pixels and a height of 480 pixels. The slider input should be positioned at the bottom of the container. The simulation should update the positions of the particles at regular intervals to create the illusion of continuous motion. One of the particles near the middle should be red in colour.
This interactive app will show the number of electrons in the shells of an atom based on the Bohr's model.
Test it out Download for SLSThis can be used to teach the math concept of probability. User can choose between the use of one or two dice. The results will be charted.
Note: External scripts cannot be referenced when uploaded into SLS's so the javascript from had to be saved as a separate file in the folder and the path was changed to directly refer to it.
Test it out Download for SLSProvide the code for the following in a single html file:
The user can use sliders to manipulate variables that affect a graph.
A screenshot of the graph will be taken with a button and saved into the computer. This can then be uploaded later in a free-response question in SLS for checking.
Note: External scripts cannot be referenced when uploaded into SLS's so the javascript from had to be saved as a separate file in the folder and the path was changed to directly refer to it.
Test it out Download for SLSProvide the code for the following in a single html file:
User can upload a csv file consisting of data from an experiment, with the column header being the labels of the axes. The first column of the data will be the horizontal axis while the second column will be the vertical axis. A best-fit straight line will be plotted, along with the equation of the line being shown.
This is especially useful for when students are doing lab work and the teacher does not want the students to bother too much with configure the graph. If done on SLS, the screenshot can be uploaded as the submission for a free-response question.
A sample data set can be downloaded here for testing.
Note: External scripts cannot be referenced when uploaded into SLS's so the javascript from and had to be saved as separate files in the folder and the path was changed to directly refer to them.
Test it out Download for SLSThe random motion of a particle can be observed as being the result of multiple collisions with surrounding particles. The effect of mass of particle can also be made obvious.
Test it out Download for SLSThe velocity of a boat relative to the ground is equal to the velocity of the boat relative to the water plus the velocity of the water relative to the ground. This simulation allows users to observe the effect of the addition of velocities to obtain the resultant velocity of the boat.
Test it out Download for SLSThis simulation allows users to visualise the random nature of radioactive decay and the effect of varying half-life. A decay curve is plotted and the data can be downloaded for further analysis.
Test it out Download for SLSThis simulation shows the variation of temperature based on the heat capacities of two objects in thermal contact.
Test it out Download for SLSThis simulation is displayed with the velocity and displaement graphs of a bouncing ball with energy loss.
Test it out Download for SLSThis simulation allows students to explore the random nature of radiation and the significance of accounting for background radiation in experiments.
Test it out Download for SLSThis app auto-generates a graph and a question related to the graph on the concepts of amplitude, wavelength, frequency, period and the relationship speed = wavelength/period = frequency x wavelength.
Test it out Download for SLSThis web app allows users to visually construct system schemas for analyzing Newton’s Third Law of Motion (Action-Reaction Pairs). Users can:
Use this sound level meter to measure the noise level in your class. The slider allows you to change the sensitivity of the meter. The sensitivity value ranges from -20 dB to 20 dB.
Test it out Download for SLSThis sound frequency analyser is able to pick up the dominant frequency from the microphone. Students can use it to investigate the effect on the frequency of sound by factors such as length or tension of a guitar string.
For higher level Physics students, they can observe the frequencies of higher harmonics.
Test it out Download for SLSThe sound generator can be used to demonstrate the effect of frequency on the pitch of a sound. It can also be used to determine the audible frequency range of an individual.
Test it out Download for SLSThis digital metronome can be used to keep timing using audio cues.
The frequency of oscillation is adjustable.
Test it out Download for SLSThis can be used as a datalogger of the brightness detected by a camera.
Note that the camera needs to be enabled for your browser. This app will probably not work with iOS devices due to their privacy policies.
The brightness value calculated is not based on a specific unit such as lux or candela per square meter, which are commonly used units for measuring brightness in physical light measurements. It is a result of averaging the intensity values of the red, green, and blue color channels of each pixel in the captured frame.
It's important to note that the value is relative and may vary depending on factors such as ambient light conditions, camera settings, and image processing algorithms. Therefore, it should be interpreted as a relative measure of brightness rather than an absolute physical measurement.
Test it out Download for SLSInstead of using buttons to start and stop a timer, hands can be freed by using loud sounds to trigger the starting and stopping.
Acoustic stopwatches can be used in various scientific experiments where precise timing is required, such as in physics experiments involving the measurement of sound propagation or timing of a student completing a lap using a clap as start and stop triggers.
A slider can be used to adjust the threshold of the sound used to trigger the stopwatch. A default value to use is 150 (This is a relative unit and not a physical unit). The timing is displayed up to 1 millisecond.
Test it out Download for SLSThis serves as a web-based code editor. Users can cut and paste html, js and css code into the input box and convert them into a downloadable index.html file straightaway.
Test it out Download for SLSStudents can use this timer as a focusing strategy. For the first 25 minutes, the timer will be shown in a green box. During the 5-minute break, it will turn light blue.
A random piece of accompanying music will be played if needed.
The user can also key in a task to focus on during the 25 minutes.
Test it out Download for SLSFor use in class. Set a duration and start the timer. When the time is up, an alarm will sound.
For use in SLS, provided the student does not go from one page to another, a timer can be set up to help student manage the time on an activity.
Replace the alarm with something more soothing if you like.
Test it out Download for SLSProvide the code for the following in a single html file:
For use in class. Either enter the names with semi-colons as separators or upload a classlist (consisting only of names, not index number, etc) in csv form.
If you want to remove the displayed name from the list, you can click the "Remove Name" button below the displayed name. The list of names drawn will appear in a list below.
Test it out Download for SLSProvide the code for the following in a single html file:
This app transcribes speech to text, including the option of including timestamps. It can be used for students' self-assessment of their oral presentation or for quick generation of text.
English Download for SLSEngage students with questions at chosen timing during the playing of a video. The teacher can edit the timing and questions using the html code.
Change the video name in the line that says 'source src="pizza.mp4" type="video/mp4'
Test it out Download for SLSA story line is decided by the user based on the branches designed by the teacher. ChatGPT can help to create the story too. AI image generators like Dall-E can be used to create images for the story.
However, quite a bit of work is needed to insert the pictures in the right sections and to indicate the path to be taken by each button.
Test it out Download for SLSFor use online. Teacher can include a csv file of key terms and their corresponding definitions into the same folder as the index file. Students can filter by topic and use this to test their recall of definitions of selected key terms.
Test it out Download for SLSCreate a revision webpage using html, javascript and css that references a csv file in the same folder with three columns: "topic", "term" and "definition". There should be a filter for the "topic" field. Each term in the "term" field will be displayed in turn using a left and right button. Another button labelled "Definition" will be used to show or hide the corresponding "definition" field at the bottom. Put all the script and style codes in the html file.
This is the second flashcard app in this collection. The main difference is that students get to upload their own terms and definitions in the form of a csv file.
Keyboard entries are taken as alternative input method.
Test it out Download for SLSCan be used to automatically show a different inspirational quote each time a student visits a site. These quotes will be random and therefore, different for each student. The list of quotes is coded into the html. You can change it from there.
Test it out Download for SLSCreate a html webpage with a randomly generated quote with the attributed source each time it loads. The quotes should be aimed at inspiring students to put in their best effort in their exam preparations. The quote will be chosen from a list of twenty quotes.
Generate Math equations using LaTeX. The image rendered can be downloaded as a scalable vector graphics (SVG) file for inserting into presentation slides or for display of working in SLS.
Note: If uploading into SLS, the javascript files must be at the same level as the index.html file in the zip folder.
Test it out Download for SLSMaintains a to-do list. However, as this application uses a database that is stored only on the browser from which it is loaded, you will not be able to see the to-do list in another browser.
Test it out Download for SLSThe basic calculator functions can be found in this app. The priority of multiplication and division over addition and subtraction applies.
Keyboard entries are taken as alternative input method.
Test it out Download for SLSWith a video recorder embedded into SLS, users will not have to use an external app to make video recordings for submission. However, the user will still have to download the video first (in mp4 format) before submitting as a file attachment into a free-response question. (SLS currently has a audio-response question type but not yet a video-response question type.)
In some devices, the recorder only works when opened in full screen mode.
Note that different web browsers may impose their own limitations on video recording. For example, some browsers may limit the duration of a video recording to prevent excessive resource usage or to ensure a good user experience.
Some browsers may prompt the user for permission to access the device's camera and microphone, and users may have the option to deny or limit access. Additionally, browser security settings or extensions may impose additional restrictions on video recording.
Test it out Download for SLSThis allows a pdf file to be embedded seamlessly into SLS. Currently, SLS only allows for pdf files to be uploaded as a downloadable attachment but does not load it.
For saving into SLS, please change the file name in the index.html file to that of the pdf file.
Ensure that the pdf file is in the same level as the index.html file within the zip folder.
NEW! If you are not confident in doing the above, you may use the automatic zipping function in here. (This is also built with ChatGPT)
Test it out Download for SLS Upload PDF and Zip for SLSThis page helps teachers to auto-generate an index file that lists down all the files in the root directory of a zipped folder. It then creates a new zipped folder with all the files and the index file.
When uploaded into SLS, the package shows as a directory of all the files in the folder and students can download the files one by one or altogether as a zipped folder.
Test it outPlayers will take turns to connect their own bulbs to the terminals while trying to sabotage their opponent's bulbs.
At lower levels, students can compete to see who has the most lit bulbs. However, they will need to be able to identify which light bulbs are lit.
Do watch out for short-circuits.
At higher levels, students can compete to see whose light bulbs has the most total electrical power, with some calculations involved.
Test it out Download for SLSCan be used in-class, online or even as part of a virtual escape room. Open the HTML file in a web browser to play the game. The game will present physics keywords for the user to guess one word at a time. Teachers can edit the html to add new words into the list.
Test it out Download for SLSThe user will answer questions to a quiz in the form of a game.
Teacher can edit the quiz questions in the html file.
Test it out Download for SLSProvide the code for the following in a single html file:
The player will guess a prime number between 1 to 1000 that was randomly selected by the computer.
The computer will prompt the player if the number is non-prime, or if it is too big or too small.
Test it out Download for SLSFor self-practice or in class learning. Users will be shown a number of Singapore coins. They will need to key in the total value for checking.
Test it out Download for SLSA series of multiple-choice options that do not automark but upon completion, student will download a csv file of their responses to be used for the next step of team-based learning, which is the tRAT.
Test it out Download for SLSFor use in class for team-based learning. Students will work in groups to come up with a consensus to answer questions. They will get multiple tries in each multiple-choice question, with decreasing rewards for retries.
Teacher will have to edit the csv file with the answers. Do not change the relative position of the csv file.
Test it out Download for SLSProvide the code for the following in a single html file: